Tracking file activity

You can track any activity or action, taken on a particular file in Salesforce. You can see things like who accessed a folder, when they accessed it, and any action they performed on a document within the folder. You can also download a PDF copy of the file activity, also known as a certificate.

This article contains the following sections:

Tracking file activity in Salesforce Classic

To track file activity in Salesforce Classic:

  1. Navigate to the Sertifi EContract related list.
  2. Click the file name.
  3. Scroll down to the EContractActivities related list. If the related list is missing, contact your administrator to update your page layout.
  4. eContract activities

You can also download a PDF copy of the file activity. To download a PDF copy:

  1. Navigate to the file name in the Sertifi EContract related list.
  2. Click the file name.
  3. Click the Folder Maintenance button. The record appears in the Sertifi portal.
  4. Click File Activity.
  5. folder maintenance buttons

  1. Click Download Certificate. The PDF copy of the file activity downloads to your machine.
  2. file activity

Tracking file activity in Salesforce Lightning

To track file activity in Salesforce Lightning:

  1. Navigate to the Sertifi EContract related list.
  2. Click the file name.
  3. Click the Related tab.
  4. Scroll down to the EContract Activities related list. If the related list is missing, contact your administrator to update your page layout.
  5. Econtract activities

You can also download a PDF copy of the file activity. To download a PDF copy:

  1. Navigate to the Sertifi EContract related list.
  2. Click the file name.
  3. Click the Folder Maintenance button. The record appears in the Sertifi portal.
  4. Click File Activity.
  5. file maintenance buttons

  1. Click Download Certificate. The PDF copy of the file activity downloads to your machine.
  2. file activity